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The Import of Life Insurance

Life is one of the most precious gifts God almighty gave to humans. God almighty indeed, values human life so much that he warns humans not to take life or kill a fellow human. You may wonder why I took you back to human history as to how God valued humans. This is to stress in its strongest term why you should take seriously the ideas found in this article. As you can see, life is very precious. Thus we need to respect it and if possible preserve it if we can. So, this brings to the subconscious mind the need to have life insurance while you are alive. Your family is the only and the most important thing you have. Therefore, giving them a sense of security is of great importance.

 The Bible says that the living knows very well that they will die someday. When and how it will happen; they do not know. Therefore, the wisest action is life insurance. Please, get your life insured today because you may not know what tomorrow will be like. So, that those you left behind can still survive when you are gone. I want to tell you the true story of one of my closest late friends called I.K. He was a very rich businessman who lived in the United State of America. He was well respected at home and happily married with four children. As a businessman, he knew all about business and extension types of insurance. One would have expected that he would have taken this important step.

1 comment:

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